Usage instructions for album

For installation instructions, see installation-instructions.

Once Album is installed, list all available commands:

album -h

Have a look at your local collection.

album index

When running Album for the first time, the default Album catalog is added and you should see a list of template solutions in your collection.
Please note that this local collection is unique for each user of the system. If another user runs the index command the output will be different.

What is a solution?

A solution holds all information to solve a specific problem. Ideally, this includes:

  • a code snippet installing software components needed to run the solution in a reproducible manner

  • the solution parameters (e.g. input and output files, algorithm parameters)

  • how to apply the parameters to a specific algorithm / software to get the result to the problem

  • information about what to cite if this solution is used to solve scientific problems

  • information about the author of the solution itself

A solution can be identified by..

  • name - the name of the solution. Album will complain if your collection contains multiple solutions matching this name (i.e. different versions or groups).

  • group:name - group and name of the solution, separated by colon. Album will complain if your collection contains multiple solutions matching this name (i.e. multiple versions).

  • group:name:version - these are the full coordinates of the solution, separated by colon.

  • catalog:group:name:version - the catalog name and the solution coordinates, separated by colon.

  • a path to a file if the solution consists of only one file

  • a path to the solution folder containing the file

  • a URL to either a python file or a zip file containing the solution files, including

  • a DOI - we currently support Zenodo DOIs published by our catalog Zenodo API

In this guide we will use album:template-python:0.1.0 as an example since this solution is part of the default catalog and you can run all the following commands without editing them - replace this with the identifier of your target solution.

How to use solutions

In order to get a first idea what a solution is supposed to address, run the info command:

album info album:template-python:0.1.0

A solution can be installed via the install command:

album install album:template-python:0.1.0

Once a solution is installed, you can run it and also attach parameter values:

album run album:template-python:0.1.0 --name PARAMETER_VALUE

A solution can include a test routine which should help verify that your system can run the solution correctly:

album test album:template-python:0.1.0

A solution can be uninstalled via the uninstall command - this will remove all local files associated with the solution:

album uninstall album:template-python:0.1.0

What is a catalog?

A catalog holds a set of solutions together. This could be a set of thematically matching solutions or maybe the solution collection of a research group. A catalog should include all existing versions of the same solution. It can live in a git repository, e.g. on github or gitlab, on a network drive or just locally on your hard rive.

A catalog can be identified..

  • by path

  • by git URL

  • by github or gitlab repository URL

In this guide, we will use the catalog as an example, please replace this URL with the target catalog identifier.

How to use catalogs

In order to use an existing catalog, you need to add it to your local Album collection:

album add-catalog

You can also remove a catalog by its name - this will remove all solutions associated with the catalog.

album remove-catalog capture-knowledge

Changes to a catalog will not automatically appear in your local collection - you first have to initiate the update process.

Call this command to reload all indices of all catalogs added to your local collection:

album update

Once this is done, you can review the difference between these indices and your local collection:

album upgrade --dry-run

.. and also apply the changes - this will synchronize the latest state of all catalogs with the state of the local solution collection:

album upgrade

The same can be done for just one catalog:

album update capture-knowledge
album upgrade capture-knowledge --dry-run
album upgrade capture-knowledge