Command line overview

In the listed commands solution-identifier can be replaced by:

  • name - the name of the solution

  • group:name - group and name of the solution

  • group:name:version - the full coordinates of the solution

  • catalog:group:name:version - the catalog name and the solution coordinates

  • a path to a single solution python file

  • a path to the solution folder containing the file

  • URL (python file or zip containing

  • DOI

See usage instructions for more details.

Album basics

album help

Print help message and exit.

album index

Print all catalogs and associated solutions in your local collection.

Manage catalogs

See usage instructions for more details.

album add-catalog [catalog-directory-or-url]

Add a catalog to your local collection.

album remove-catalog [catalog-name]

Remove a catalog from your local collection. This will remove all solutions associated with the catalog!

album update

Reload all indices of all catalogs added to your local collection.

album update [catalog-name]

Like update, but only for one specific catalog.

album upgrade

Synchronize the latest state of all your catalogs with the state of your local solution collection.

album upgrade --dry-run

Same as upgrade, but only prints changes and does not apply them to the collection.

album upgrade [catalog-name]

Like upgrade, but only for one specific catalog.

Use solutions

See usage instructions for more details.

album install [solution-identifier]

Install a solution.

album uninstall [solution-identifier]

Uninstall a solution.

album info [solution-identifier]

Print the metadata and usage instructions of a solution.

album run [solution-identifier]

Run a solution.

album test [solution-identifier]

Test if a solution behaves on your system as expected.

Write your own solutions

See solution development guide and catalog development guide for more details.

album clone [catalog-template-name] [parent-dir-of-new-catalog] [name-of-new-catalog]

Creates a new catalog based on any template from here into the provided directory with the provided new name.

album clone [solution-identifier] [parent-dir-of-new-solution] [name-of-new-solution]

Copies a solution into the provided directory with the provided new name.

album deploy [solution-file] [catalog-name]

Deploy a solution into a catalog.

album deploy [solution-file] [catalog-name] --dry-run

Simulate deploying a solution into a catalog.