Developing solutions

Tips for writing solutions

  • We recommend tracking the development of your solutions in a git repository - independent of optionally deploying them to a catalog

  • We recommend keeping solutions short - develop the tool or algorithm separately - the solution is just a thin wrapper describing how to use the tool or algorithm.

  • Use semantic versioning, append -SNAPSHOT to your version if you are redeploying the same version repeatedly for test purposes

Cloning solution templates

You can use any existing solution as a template to write your own:

album clone [solution-file-or-url] --target-dir [parent-dir-of-new-solution] --name [name-of-new-solution]
album clone [group:name:version] --target-dir [parent-dir-of-new-solution] --name [name-of-new-solution]

It copies a solution into the provided directory with the provided new name.

Afterwards, open and edit in the new solution directory:

  • replace the identifiers (group, name, version)

  • replace all the relevant content, including solution_creators with your (and your coworker’s) name

  • attributing the authors of the tool or algorithm the solution is using should happen in the cite tag

We provide templates, check out the full list in our default catalog repo. For the basic python template, this is the correct call:

album clone album:template-python:0.1.0 --target-dir [parent-dir-of-new-solution] --name [name-of-new-solution]

Solution setup examples

Each following example is a fully contained solution highlighting different features of the album.runner.api.setup method.

The minimal configuration of a solution looks like this:

from album.runner.api import setup


Make solutions reproducible by adding a conda environment specification using fixed versioning:

from album.runner.api import setup

env_file = """channels:
 - conda-forge
 - defaults
 - python=3.6

    dependencies={"environment_file": env_file},

Make solutions findable by adding metadata:

from album.runner.api import setup

    title="The title of this solution",
    description="A description of what this solution is doing.",
    solution_creators=["My name", "My coworkers name"],
            "text": "My citation text",
            "doi": "my.citation.doi",
            "url": "my://citation.url",
    tags=["dummy", "python"],
    covers=[{"description": "Dummy cover image.", "source": "cover.png"}],

Add custom install / uninstall methods (they will be called from the solution environment):

from album.runner.api import setup

def install():

def uninstall():


Make solutions accessible by adding arguments:

from album.runner.api import setup

def run():
    from album.runner.api import get_args

    args = get_args()
    print("Hi " + + ", nice to meet you!")

            "name": "name",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "Bugs Bunny",
            "description": "How to you want to be addressed?",

Adding a test routine to easily let others verify the solution / understand how it’s used:

from album.runner.api import setup

def run():
    from album.runner.api import get_args

    with open(get_args().file, "a") as file:

def prepare_test():
    import tempfile

    file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w+")
    return {"--file":}

def test():
    from album.runner.api import get_args

    with open(get_args().file, "r") as file:
        file_content = file.readlines()
    assert ["RUNNING\n"] == file_content

    args=[{"name": "file", "description": "input text file path"}],

Solutions can inherit from each other. They should live in the same catalog or should be identified via DOI to be findable. If applicable it is recommended to use solutions from our default catalog repo as parents - they are present in all Album installations by default and reusing these environments will save disk space and installation time.

This solution will use the environment of album:template-python:0.1.0:

from album.runner.api import setup

        "parent": {
            "group": "album",
            "name": "template-python",
            "version": "0.1.0"

Testing your solution

You can install and run a new or cloned solution with these commands:

album install [path-to-solution]
album run [path-to-solution] --my-parameter [parameter-value]

Setup parameters

The setup parameters are derived from the specification. We provide an RDF schema.

Required solution parameters

  • group: The group/organization associated with the specific solution.

  • name: The name of the solution itself

  • version: The version of the solution. Note that the -SNAPSHOT convention is used to indicate a version is not yet final.

  • album_api_version: The required version of the Album API to run this solution (= album-runner module version).

Executable methods of a solution (optional)

– NOTE: IMPORT HANDLING – When writing solution methods, make sure to add the imports specific to the solution target environment at the beginning of the method, not the top of the file. The solution is initially executed from the Album environment while the following parameters are only called from the solution target environment.

  • run: This method is called during album run your-solution and during album test your-solution.

  • install: If defined, this method is called during album install your-solution, after the target environment was created.

  • uninstall: If defined, this method is called during album install your-solution, before the target environment and all solution related files are deleted.

  • pre_test: The method is called during album test your-solution. This function is evaluated before the run and test function are evaluated. The purpose of this function is to do things like prepare files for testing and generate the input arguments. It can return a list of strings which will be used as input parameters for the run call.

  • test: The method is called during album test your-solution. It is called after pre_test and run and should fail or succeed based on what was stored during the run call and the given input parameters. You can make it fail by throwing an error.

Executable method parameters point to a method like this:

def my_run_method():
    print("I'm running")


Metadata of a solution (optional)

  • acknowledgement: A free text place for funding, important institutions, people, and more.

  • args: A list of arguments that can be (and may be required) to run the specific solution. Each list entry is a dictionary with the following keys:

    • name: The key name of the argument. When running the solution, the argument value will be available via album.runner.api.get_args().argument_name.

    • description: The description of the argument.

    • type (optional): The type of the argument as a string.

    • default (optional): The default value of the argument.

    • required (optional): If set to True, the solution will fail before executing the run method and ask for this argument in case it’s not provided.

  • solution_creators: The creator(s) of the solution. This is an array of strings.

  • changelog: A string describing what changed in comparison to the last deployed version.

  • covers: This is a list of cover images to be displayed for this solution in a catalog. Each list entry is a dictionary with the following keys:

    • source: The path to the cover - either a local path relative to and inside the solution folder, or a URL.

    • description: A string describing the cover.

  • custom: A dictionary of unspecified key / value pairs.

  • dependencies: A dictionary that specifies the environment, the following options currently exist:

    • environment_file: A File object or path to the solution environment file.

    • parent: A dictionary specifying the parent solution. Either use coordinates (group, name, version), doi, or resolve_solution which can be any solution identifier string like a path or a URL.

  • description: This is a short description of the specific solution.

  • documentation: A list of markdown files or links to the documentation for the solution.

  • doi: This is the DOI of this solution. This DOI is distinct from DOIs of citations for this solution. Only use this if you manually deploy your solution to Zenodo - our automatic catalog deployment routines add the DOI automatically to the entry of the solution in the catalog database.

  • license: The license of the solution (e.g. MIT, Apache, GPL, …)

  • tags: This is a list of strings for tags that describe the key features of the solution.

  • title: The title of the solution.

Solution API

The solution API is provided through the album-runner module. There are multiple key methods:

get_environment_name(): This is the name of the conda environment for this particular solution.

get_environment_path(): This is the local path for the conda environment of this particular solution.

get_data_path(): Returns the data path provided for the solution. It is empty by default and is supposed to be used to store any kind of data during solution installation or execution. It will be deleted when the solution is uninstalled.

get_package_path(): Returns the package path provided for the solution. This directory contains the solution file and all additional files deployed with the solution file. This directory should not be altered. It will be deleted when the solution is uninstalled.

get_app_path(): Returns the app path provided for the solution. It is empty by default and is supposed to be used to store any kind of application files during installation of a solution. It will be deleted when the solution is uninstalled.

get_cache_path(): Returns the cache path provided for the solution. It is empty by default and supposed to be used for any temporary files of a solution during installation or execution. It might be deleted at any time when the solution is not running.

in_target_environment(): Returns true if the current python is the python from the solution target environment.

get_args(): Get the parsed arguments from the solution call.

Exemplary usage of solution API:

from album.runner.api import setup

def run():
    from album.runner.api import get_args, get_data_path
    from shutil import copy
    # get input file from arguments
    input_file = get_args().input
    # create solution data directory if not exists
    get_data_path().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    # copy input file into solution data directory
    file_copy = get_data_path().joinpath(
    copy(input_file, file_copy)

            "name": "input",
            "type": "file",
            "description": "input file path"